If you miss the due date, we will send a reminder email. Please note that late payment fees may apply if invoices remain overdue for an extended period.
Yes, payment can be made at any time during the payment terms. Paying prior to the due date will free up your credit limit faster, enabling you to place more orders.
If you accidentally overpaid, email us at support@kriya.co. We may request additional information to process the refund quickly and efficiently.
Once Kriya has processed your cancellation or return, we will process a return in five to seven working days. In the case of a return or cancellation of an order where you have not yet paid, no refund will be made.
If you have returned your items and not received your refund please contact our payments team on support@kriya.co, we'd be happy to help you.
Your payment might be declined for one of the following reasons:
1. Outstanding Overdue Invoices: You may have overdue invoices with Kriya.
2. Unsuccessful Credit Check: The credit check for your spending limit was unsuccessful.
3. Identification Issues: We are unable to identify your company due to insufficient information.
If you need assistance, please contact our support team on support@kriya.co